Closure of COVID 408 Visa
From 1 February 2024, the COVID 408 visa will be closed to all applicants.
This visa, initially introduced during the COVID-19 Pandemic, firstly as a visa of last resorts, to allow visitors and migrants who were unable to leave the country to remain lawfully in Australia, and eventually to allow migrants working in critical industries throughout Australia to remain and continue contributing to the economy. The visa was free, having no visa application charge, and gradually also had very limited visa conditions, so long as visa holders continued to work in any industry in Australia.
The COVID 408 visa helped many migrants stay in Australia and continue working, and sadly will now come to an end forcing visa holders to find an alternate pathway to stay in Australia.
If you are anxious about your visa options, contact us for a consultation so that we can explore the visa pathways that may be available to you.